
13 things that can stop you from being successful

Life is full of choices and as long as you are in charge of your life, the choices you make should affect you positively. A positive mind and attitude can take you to places you never dreamed possible. If you want to succeed in life, you shouldn’t allow certain factors hinder you , no matter how uncertain the future looks like. Lauren Chadwick of All Women Stalk lists these factors that can stop you from being successful: 1. Sense of entitlement: Not everybody has super-rich parents or a family tree charting back to William the Conqueror and 1066 AD. You may think you’re way smarter or talented than everybody else, but until you’ve proven yourself, a sense of entitlement just gets in the way of your success. 2. Idleness: Read the autobiography of any truly successful person in the #world and you’ll find they worked their socks off to get where they are today. If you’re naturally lazy, just admit it, but stop complaining about your lack of success and wealth. 3. Action speaks louder than analysis: Endlessly analysing your situation won’t get you the bank balance and lifestyle you’re dreaming of. Stop analysing and start turning your aspirations into reality. 4. Fear of change: Everybody is afraid of change, that’s human nature. Maybe you’ll fall flat on your face at the first attempt and #look a fool. So what? Don’t let fear of failure, discomfort or embarrassment stop you. Just think what your family and friends will say when you finally turn up in that luxury limousine! 5. Negative outlook on life: You may not have noticed that the #people around you are soul-sucking fiends with a negative outlook on life that stops you from forging ahead. Ditch them and seek the company of life-embracing chums with a positive outlook on life that will inspire you. 6. No star appeal: So you’re not successful and rich yet because you’re not pretty enough, your ankles are fat or you lack the voice to make others swoon? Nothing but excuses! Ignore the hype about X-factors and star appeal. Find your niche, the thing you love doing and are really good at. Now shine in that niche, fat ankles and all!