WARNING:- This Article was not Posted to discourage anyone from
going to School, Just an Eye Opener to think more wide.
Read below:-
Sometimes I want to regret going to school because arguably I still fail
to see the reasons or benefits of going to school.
Yesterday a friend of mine whose parents took him to learn electrical on
cars after primary school, went to withdraw 1.5m to purchase a jeep. His
story building is near completion, married and blessed with 2 wonderful
kids. We all know what it takes to have a story building in Lagos, This
my friend barely reads a simple sentence.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not envious of him rather I’m happy but today,
I’d to take a seat and remembered how he convinced me to join him in
learning this same handiwork that has made him the prospective landlord
and car owner that he’s today while I chose to go to school to acquire a
certificate only to have graduated and served fathers land without a job
to even make boast of. I also have some friends who dropped after
secondary school, today they are all married and living good…
It’s kinda annoying and I don’t know if to say regrettable for going to
school because it has not even paid off. The annoying aspect self is most
jobs today can’t even foot one’s expenses and bills due to the hash
economy and almost every job you get today is contract base, so one
begins to think what is the purpose of spending several years reading
without any tangible benefit awaiting stresslessly.
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